Saturday, December 10, 2005

2005, The Year Of The Vacuum Cleaner

If the technology was available, ancient Chinese astrologers and mystics would have most likely preconceived the year 2005 not to be the year of the Monkey or the Rooster, but instead to be the year of the vacuum Cleaner. Yes, 2005 sucked, but it also did a lot of cleaning. It got rid of a lot of the dirt and grime that was building up. Sadly, the year sucked up valuable people, as well. You know how it is to vacuum, you try and get only the dirt, but every once in a while you pick up brand new pennies and such. That is cleaning, and that is life. Sometimes the good is taken with the bad. Hopefully, 2006 will be the year of the Window Cleaner. We will wipe away the grime off of the mirrors and windows so that we can truly reflect on ourselves and clearly be able to see what is truly going on outside and around us. I will welcome 2006 with paper towels.


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